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Syren doesn't miss once she's on her knees on the red carpet, surrounded by cocks. It's almost like she's done this before. Hmmm… It doesn't take long for her glorious 34Ds to pop out and be fondled by her FIVE COCKSMEN as she helps warm them all up with her mouth. Those boobs don't hurt either. The Cocksmen try and return the favor by fingering Syren to her first orgasm (not counting the ones earlier in the restaurant or the car) before she heads off to the pedestal to take their SIX CREAMPIES in her pussy. The authentic behind-the-scenes action then transitions to the post-gangbang shower where Syren has a little help rinsing off from one of her lucky Cocksmen. Things don't stay clean for too long as they end up having sex in the shower one more time before it's done. She blows him for one more load in her mouth before she gets the shower back to herself to finally clean off. Hot action like what Syren had on the pedestal doesn't just wash off with water. She'll be dirty for much, much longer, but honestly, that's just the way we like her. Remember, if you can't get enough of Syren, don't forget to check out her second gangbang #192 with us. See what a difference a year makes. These mature ladies don't stop learning things. Watch both scenes and see for yourself. We'll compare notes. Have your arguments for your favorite ready before next week when we'll bring you another gangbang smoke-show here on GangbangCreampie!